November 29

Unlock Your iPhone Using a Hacker Or Tool

Fortunately, you don’t have to be a hacker or have access to an expensive unlocking tool to unlock your iPhone. You can choose a passcode or passcode type that you’re comfortable with and enter it manually. This will allow you to use your iPhone without worrying.

Grayshift’s exploits target Apple’s Secure Enclave

Earlier this month, Grayshift, a company based in Atlanta, revealed a tool that could unlock iPhones locked with a passcode. The company is not well known, but it employs former Apple security engineers and former intelligence agency contractors.

According to the company, the tool is able to unlock iPhones locked with an alphanumeric passcode of any length. The tool has some limitations. For instance, it only works with iPhones running iOS 11, and it may not work with all versions of the mobile operating system.

The tool also reportedly contains an anti-brute force feature that will wipe data after a user makes ten failed attempts. Users should ensure they have the latest software and updates installed, and enable the feature.

The tool isn’t as comprehensive as it could be, but it can still be a valuable resource. Grayshift says the tool can guess alphanumeric passwords for up to 300 different passwords and is currently available for $15,000 in exchange for a custom password dictionary. It’s worth checking out if you’re having problems unlocking your iPhone.

Cellebrite iPhone cracking kit

During the last year, an Israeli firm called Cellebrite has made headlines for its mobile forensics tool. The company’s website provides a revealing glimpse into its operation. It shows how a client can search the phone’s file system to see the data it contains. Those files are called extraction reports. These reports can be seen by investigators easily, allowing them to get a clear picture of the phone’s contents.

Cellebrite’s product is a touchscreen device that taps directly into the phone for information. It’s used by law enforcement agencies and private corporations to unlock cell phones. The company has a large clientele, including blue-chip companies conducting internal investigations. The company also services repressive governments around the world, including Botswana and Bahrain.

In June, Cellebrite announced the launch of a new UFED Premium product, which is meant to unlock any iPhone. The company also launched a data analytics tool.

Cellebrite’s customers include federal and state law enforcement agencies as well as blue-chip companies performing internal investigations. They are also selling to companies involved in cybersecurity and other areas of interest.

Optiv employees listed on LinkedIn as working at secret companies in Atlanta from September 2016

Optiv isn’t one of the “old boys,” but it’s also not the only one in town. Optiv’s foray into the smartphone space has been hit-and-miss, but its name is synonymous with high-tech innovation and high-brow patrons. Not to mention, the company is headquartered in a tech-savvy suburb of Atlanta. The company has had a number of high-profile employees make the grade over the years. The best of the bunch include Optiv’s CEO David Miles, former Apple exec Braden Thomas, and Optiv’s aforementioned executive and VP of marketing, oh, sorry, CFO, John Malin. The latter, pictured below, is a well-known geek. The former is pictured on the left, and the aforementioned executive is on the right. This trio has been together since at least the summer of 2012. It’s also home to a bevy of the best and the worst.

Choosing a custom alphanumeric passcode

Choosing a custom alphanumeric passcode for your iPhone is one of the best ways to secure your device. A thief could use a hacker or tool to bypass your passcode and gain access to your iPhone. However, if you use an alphanumeric passcode, there is no way for a hacker to gain access to your device.

The reason why alphanumeric passcodes are harder to crack is that they are made up of letters and numbers. These characters increase the number of possible passcode combinations. The more complex the passcode, the more difficult it is for a hacker to break it.

Some operating systems allow hackers to bypass the passcode protection of iPhones. However, Apple has made a few changes to its iOS system in order to protect the security of its users.

When setting up an iPhone, the Apple security guide says to use a six-digit numeric passcode. Apple has also developed an alternative, custom numeric code that allows users to select a longer length than four or six digits.